Friday, April 24, 2009

3rd Partial-Assignment 1

1. Movies and books often talk about the value of loyalty and friendship. Write about a time in your life when friendship proved to be of great value and importance to you.
2. People often say, "Don't judge a book by its cover." Describe a time when you misjudged someone solely on his or her appearance or when someone misjudged you.-Marco Ross
3. Sometimes lies can have serious consequences. Describe a time in your life when a lie had a serious consequence for you.
4. Parents are our first and most important teachers. Describe a time when you learned a valuable lesson from one of your parents.-Daniel Lopez
5. Many writers have dealt with the theme of a character losing control and going beyond reason. Describe a time in your life when you lost control, and tell why.
6. Some of our richest experiences take place when we travel. Tell about a memorable experience you had when you were traveling.-Iliana Wong
7. Animals can sometimes seem remarkably human. Describe an experience with an animal that acted in a very human way.-Cesar Leyva


  1. When I was in 5th grade, my mother, sister and I went on a trip that I won't forget beacause it had been 7 years since the last time I went there and didn't have that much memory of the first time. I went to Hong Kong,China to meet my family and have some fun. We went in the last week of Easter and the first week after Easter. We went from Hemosillo to Tucson by car, from there to Los Angeles by plane and the same to Hong Kong.
    Once we got to Hong Kong, I saw an uncle, an aunt with her kids and grandpa. We were really happy and greeted each other. Since we hadn't talked for a long time, my sister and I got really shy around the family. With time, we adapted and became good friends with my cousins, but we communicated in english. We went to Ocean Park, dinners, Victoria's Peak, malls and many other places and we stayed at my grandparents' house.
    When we had to go back, we obciously didn't want to go back, but we had already lost a week of class. We said our goodbyes and took off. These trip urged me to learn Mandarin and to communicate more with my family. It was a lot of fun, but I got to learn many other things that I will remember.

  2. 3. Sometimes lies can have serious consequences. Describe a time in your life when a lie had a serious consequence for you.

    When I was in 3rd grade I told my teacher tht I had a fmailiar emergency. But instead, I skiped that they and went to the movies with my aunt and my brother. When I was in the theatre, my teacher saw me and I had to run from him hiding in the bathroom. And waited until he got out of the cinema.

    The next day when I went to school, my teacher saw me suspiciously. He asked me if I didn't went yesterday to the movies, but I said don't. Then he asked us for the homework, which I didn't made. Then we started the math classwork but I didn't knew how to do it.

    Anyways, at the end, since he discovered me he didn't received my justifier. I fail that month's math test. I couldn0t make the homework. And that teacher didn't allow me to go anywhere for the rest of the year, not even to the bathroom.

  3. There once a time when I thought that a guy I met was something like a serial assasin expression but once I start talking with the guy he seem to be normal as anyone but only that he was very quiet, he like videogames and stuff like anyone else, but the first time I saw him I thought he was something like a serial killer, but once we met more we understand that we both think that one of us was evil or something like that.

    So that day I understand that you cant misjudge people by the way they seem cause people arent like the way they see , in middle school a guy thougt I was a nerd for using glasses and read a lot, but once he met me he see that I was really lazy in school, but that sometime I was intelligent, so in that time they misjugde me also just by the cover.

    So thanks to a lot of experience I have learned that people usually get to think others the way they see them at first, that why first impression you could say it always counts a lot , when you are meeting new people or school companions, so this teach everybody a very good lesson, dont misjudge people by their looks, try to meet them so you can now the truth about them.

  4. Since I was a kid I always liked to experiment thing in the world and to know what was what, but like any other kid, no body knows the dangers of some things until you suffer it. Thanks to my parents I learned what things could damage me, like a hot oven. I had the curiosity to know what was that and how it feeled, but thanks to them I didin't touch it at first with everything because they warned me saying me that would damage me. I still didin't know what hot meant and decided to touch it a little bit but carefully for it not to damage me. When I toughed it I instantly felt what hot was and took out my hand, this way I wasn't damaged.
    As you can see, parents are the first teachers of cildren because they are with them since the beginning taking care of them. They're the best teachers too because they're always taking care of you and seeing you without an absence. Another example is when they taught me not to play with knives because they could damage me if not handled corrctly. As any other kid, no one believes anything until feeling it is true, in this case until I cut myself. Thanks to them I didn't use enough force becuase of precaution.
    That time of the knife was when I was younger and was cuting lemons, I didn't care about the knife and cut myself. That was the first time I sensed the pain of a knife and by seeing the blood I saw it could be very dangerous. My parents taugth me how to cure me with bandages and "curitas" after cleaning the wound. In school somebody only learns the general knowledge of life that includes studies, but parents give a more detailed teaching in everything that surroounds us and that could happen to us.

  5. Well, I don´t know if you can say it actually seemed human but to me, it,I dont know, it seem to act different from what an animal would...

    It happened about....last year´s Autumn, or 2 years ago Autumn, something like that, I remember I was on that season, because I actually wanted to go outside....and it was vacation...

    I was like routine for vacations, I was awake by 12 pm to 13pm, so I started thinking on something to do, and then I heard one of the dogs bark, so, I decided to take them to the roof, since it was like our little garden or something like that.

    On my way out I saw a flute, what was it doing there?, who knows, what matters was that It was there,so, I took it, I took the dogs to the roof, and started playing it while they ran and played all over the place.

    Then I took the dogs inside but decided to spend a little of time on the roof, so, I went back to the roof and started playing the flute again.

    Normally the roof was always visited by birds, since there were lots of plants in there, and also, normally they would leve when I appeared on the roof, but there was one little bird, not so far from were I sat comfortably playing the flute.

    I watche the little bird curiously while playing...well, more like trying to play, and I watched, how it looked at me from one place, then bounced to another and kept watching me, this lasted for a bit of time, the another bird came and I think it scared the little bird, so, kind of disappointed that the little bird was gone and quite amazed of the event, I went back to my room.

    The same day, like on the afternoo, I went back to the roof with the dogs and the flute, and I was happy to see....that my little fellow was there as well.
