Chapter 1 The Begging of the Curse

The variety of places made Kardia the habitat of different animals and plants, making it colorful and lively all the year, it was a peaceful town, people lived with out problems nor worries, everything was perfect in Kardia……yeah, right……that was just the bright side of Kardia, now to the origin of its downfall ….
As many other places, Kardia had different buildings, a church, a school, a town hall, a square, a hospital, a library, a pub, an Inn, and many other things such as a blacksmith and the other kind of manual jobs, but, it also have an orphanage, a small one to that, that’s were our attention focus….you see, there was this small kid that got to the orphanage after his parents were killed by a thief…..right in front of his eyes…
Kardia didn´t have many visitors, so thief weren’t common…but they weren’t exempt of it either….so, this little kid, ” Camus”, was his name, he always out casted from other kids, and was really quiet, he stayed with many families but they just sent him back, for what the foster parents said, he just read and read, he always went to the library on his free time, only that, he didn´t showed any kind of emotion, well, except for a little puppy, when around the puppy, his eyes shined with happiness like those of a normal child, he took care of him, he seemed to be the only friend that the kid had made and it was fine with his caretakers….not taking action to it….was their first mistake...
He was always bullied by some older kids, but he just stared at them with boredom and what seemed to be despise, they would eventually get either tired, bored, or pissed at his lack of reaction and leave him alone, and just like that, one day, someone took him to the limit, they insulted him and thrown things at him and as usual they got the same reaction, but, one of them, the most troublemaker of them and also the older, graved his puppy, and started attacking him with a rock…it was cloudy and cold that day….
Camus tried to stop him, but seeing him react only fueled his actions, then he commanded some of the kids to hold Camus, he pleaded for him to leave the puppy, and he did….but to Camus shock….the puppy was already dead, the shock made his legs give up and he fell on his knees, shock, hurt and disbelief on his face,…..that….was their second mistake…..
They tried to tell him that it was just a joke, that he could get another puppy…..but he didn’t listened to them…. he didn’t moved at all…it started raining and only after some droplets of water had fallen on him, he stood up, cleaned his dry tears with his old shirt and made his way to the orphanage, stoic as ever, the kids looked at him, some with concern, others with pity, and one of them with anger because he seemed unaffected again, so he tackled Camus and started punching him, he didn’t got anything from him, the care takers scolded him and took Camus to the infirmary….that was their third mistake…
There he found books, many medical books containing information about the body, plants and herbs....some days after that incident and discovery, Camus went to check the books almost every day making the excuse that he felt ill…..then…after what seemed to be 3 weeks, the older kid, the troublemaker, went missing….the caretakers searched for him every where and he was not to be found, until they checked the Ostara fields, there laid on the grass was his cold dead body, with some weird liquid running down from his lips, he was poisoned, or so it seemed.
No one ever knew or got suspicion of who had been, but…. the worst doesn’t ends here, it only gets worse when Camus found…..” The Book”….