Monday, March 16, 2009


Well im going to explain how to prepare rice a la Ross. In order to make rice a la Ross we need the following things : 2 frying pans, a fork, a knife with a lot of edge, a cereal plate, oil and a normal plate.
For the ingredients we need: rice all ready prepared, 2eggs, 2 carrots washed and peeled 2 pumpkin , soy sauce , oregan and other species at your own.
When you got all the ingredients and the stuff you can start wih the preparation of all.

The first step is to put the frying pan in the oven, but dont turn the flame now, you must prepare the eggs , for this you must break them and then start spinning them with a fork in a dish for cereal, spinned until the egg get a total semi homogeneus look, then put the flame on high and then when the temperature is correct put the egg and wait until it gets cooked, once it cooked correctly put of the frying pan and continue with the next step.

For the next step you must get a knife with a lot of edge, and start cutting the cabage and the carrots when you cut them try to cut them again and again until they get very little, this is for making tha flavor more easy to be feeled when you eat them wi th the rice and get a better look so, next step is to put them in the frying pan until they get fry enough, when you do that next step is to put the rice and the egg and start mixing them in the frying pan.

Finally you have to put the soy sauce and the species , cause the heat in the frying pan will make soy sauce evaporate you can put something to cover up and mantain more flavor but that is at the taste of anyone, and then for the final step you can eat the rice with a fork, or a spoon i dont know what you use,

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