The angels fought haardly against these teenage mutant ninja turtles, but they were to strong and agile, their shells protected them from huge impacts so they had the advantage, on top of that they were better armed than the angels. One of the angels notices the glowing eyes of the turtles and deduced that they were being controlled by some kind of device, so she start to search for it while battling, finally she found it on the neck of each turtle and communicated it to the other 2 angels. The turtles were commanded to kill them and they pusshed them to the water, were they obviously had the advantage. Raphael sliced one to death with his scythes, so he went to help michaelangelo, who had some troubles with the angel who got a sword, because his weapon is the nunchucks, both of them harmed the second angel when she tried to go to the surface to breathe, buth the thirth angel saved her with a special attack when she spins, so they got to the surface. the second angel was very wounded and wasn't going to survive, the thirth one knew how to deactivate the lasers by electrocutate them, but needed the turtles to stay underwater, th second angel volunteers to fight underater with them and die there.
When the three turtles were underwater trying to kill the second angel, the thirth one used a cable to pass the electricity through the water, that way putting unconscious the turtles and killing the other angel. Charlie gave Leonardo a signal and he went to slice into half the thirth angel using his two katanas. Charlie thought he had won, but the TMNT went out of the water and they eyes were not glowing any more, apparently the devices were burned with the electricity, Michaelangelo, Donatello and Raphael managed to get Leonardo still, and deactivated the device too. Charlie tried to escpae knowing that the turtles would want vengeance, but they managed to get him, they were really good turtles and got him prisioner to justice and gave him to the authorities.
At the end, all the angels died, but their goal was accomplished by the TMNT, so their deaths weren't in vain. Charlie was condemned to 900 years of jail and all his fortune went to the charity. The TMNT returned to New York and they kept living on the undeerground network with splinter. The TMNT happily ate pizza all nights after that .
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