Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Blog Assignment #4

2.-This school's worst problem (and possible solutions).Jesus A. Barraza.
4.-A valuable discipline or practice (lifting weights, rock climbing, karate, meditation, etc.).Cesar Y. Leyva.
7.-Music videos (choose one performer or group, one type of music, or one TV show). Iliana W. Chan.
9.-How to resolve an argument peacefully. Daniel A. Lopez.
10.-An important film (it can be also be a book, a magazine, or a TV show). Marco A. Ross


  1. Meditation-Prewriting

    Relaxation, incense, an old bald man sitted cross legged up a mountain with a white long beard with his eyes closed under the shades of a tree, soothing music, grass, candles, focus, mind in blank,exteriors,low light,postures, consentration, selfawarness.

  2. Albert, I think you could make up some solutions to the cafeteria problems, they are really troublesome.

    marco, you could talk about Don Quijote, I know you have read it like what?, 12 times already?, it would make it easyer for you.

  3. Mm m m
    I think I will do it about a tv show that was important for me, i dont know of what it can be, cause i have seen a lot of programs in tv but probably i will choose an anime, cause well the most part of what i see was anime but the most good tv serie i saw was spider-man , it seems like yesterday when i see spiderman in jetix, wait i was yesterday when i see it, well i think i will do it of spider man.

  4. Freewriting:LM.C(Lovely-Mocochang.com)
    The group Lovely-Mocochang.com, better known as LM.C, is a japanese rock/pop/electronic band. The memebers are: Maya, in the vocals; and Aiji, in the guitar. Death-O is the drummer, Hiko plays the bass guitar, JAYKAY plays the keyboard and Denki-Man is the VJ. The last three, although they have appeared in every, if not most of the videos of the band, are support members. The band debuted in October 2OO6 with "Trailers (Gold)" and "Trailers (Silver)". Some of their most reknowned songs are: Oh My Juliet, Boys and Girls, Liar Liar/Sentimental Piggy Romance, Bell the Cat, John, 88, and their newest song, Chemical King Twoon. Right now, they are in their 2009 tour.

  5. Well, Cesar, yours sounds like fun. You could try doing about how it started, where or why it's so popular now, specially with women.
    You Marco, well, if you will do it about Spider-Man, you could talk about the cartoons it has had, the different versions and the movies if you want.

  6. Brainstorm: overpopulation at UVM
    too much people, loss of time, unsufficient resources, full cafeterias, finances always full, traffic jam in the buses at dismissal, printer always filled, preppys, frikis, too much faces to remember, many lines, a lot of noice, being confused with others, confussiong others, many groups.

  7. Cesar I think your topic is a lot of your style, and I've no doubt that you do it too. I think you should talk about what apports to health.

    Marco, I like yours since Spiderman rocks, so go ahead and you should follow Iliana's advice of writing about his movies and series and about his comic books too.

  8. Prewriting: How to resolve an argument peacefully

    In order for people to resolve the arguments in a peaceful way they have to know how to behave with other people as well as their beliefs. You have to remember that we can critisize others things knowing that they can do it too to us, so you should be conscient of that.
    Most of the times, people aren't able to resolve arguments or problems in a peaceful way, that's why some things like debates are created were people can tell the others their point of view and the others to him but with a period of time that is equivalent for each one, also a person called "moderator" is selectedk so he/she can say who's turn to talk it is.
    Security must be important when resolving an argument, becausesome people are evil or bad and want to hurt the other people, so people must be in charge of security. Information is needed for an argument between people so they try to analyze the problem with reasoning instead of brutal force.

  9. Cesar, I think your topic is very interesting, I hope to see it completed soon to read it and watch out if you are going to put where did this happened first and how did it spread through the world.
    I think it apports to health and to the mind too.

  10. Barraza, I think you are correct about this overpopulation on the UVM and think there should be created a way to help solve this problem, specially on the bus stop at the beginning of the day, I think a rule should be created, like "the tallest first" or something like that.
    Maybe opening a second finances office, I hope to read yours too to check this essay...

  11. My thesis statement

    Meditation is a mental discipline by which one attempts to get beyond the reflexive thinking mind into a deeper state of relaxation and/or awareness; It is recognized as a component of many religions, and has been practiced since antiquity.

    That´s basically what i´ll focus on

  12. Thesis statement:

    Overpopulation is a very serious problem, not only in big cities or in the streets, even in our school it is a really troublesome issue that must be solved.

  13. Thesis statement:

    The ways for a successful resolving of an rgument in a peaceful way involve the knowledge of the information or rights of each person, like their right to the free expression of ideas LIMITED were the rights of the others begin; also a person sometimes is chose in order to help organize the others.
