Sunday, May 10, 2009

Ok here is my band, HILT, and the album is As we think, so we become.
the band consist in 3 members, Bob in the electric triangle, Billy in the Banjo and Bob (Brother of Bob) in the Bagpipes, they met at a store of comics looking for the new number of Batman and then for no reason they start a band. They start a rock/punk music band, for a rare reason there three instruments together make a very good music of rock style .
They start making music in the yards of people until they were kicked out by there respective owner, until one day they were making music in the backyard of a famous represent tehy startd making real music, and not touching again the backyeards of the neighbors cause 20 restriction orders they input them.
So that day the band HILT started, the name was because they read it at cookie of fortune in a near chinese restaurant, and they didnt dare to fight against the will of the cookie of fortune because they said that the food was very intelligent, like them, so that the story of the band Hilt

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